Collage Workshop 07/13


Collage Workshop 07/13


Thinking with Your Hands: The Art of Collage

Saturday, July 13th, 10am - noon

Join me in my Sebastopol studio for a collage making workshop! Creating with collage is all about being playful and listening to our intuition. In this intimate workshop, we find inspiration from found printed material to transform the common and mundane into unique visual constructions. The simple exercise of arranging can bring so much joy and fun to our creative practice. It’s a wonderful companion to other artistic mediums and the immediacy can help unblock and open new ways of looking. With a focus on playfulness, composition and form, we will create abstract pairings and layered configurations with unknown, yet spectacular results. Come play with paper! Only 10 spots available!

All paper, cutting material and glue sticks are provided, but please bring your own scissors.

Please note the following:

Classes are non-refundable but can be rescheduled if needed. After purchase you’ll receive an email with details, location address and parking instructions.

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