Untitled #017

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Untitled #017


This collage series is called Spring Bouquet. These are simple, yet refined little works on paper that I’ve created over the course of several months. With my own inventory of cuttings, I've made countless arrangements to find the perfect pairings that sing. Everything about this is irrational yet intentional, spontaneous yet intuitive. I love the process and it's been a sweet companion to the physicality and repetitive nature of my ceramics practice. I work on these in the morning or evenings, rounding out my day when I need a little creative play before or after a long day of work. The material comes from a variety of source material such as local grocery coupons, food and fashion magazines from the early 2000's, junk mail, vintage National Geographics, large needlework magazines from the 1950s and random printed stuff that catches my eye. They may seem bare bones, but the pairings tackle different notions of duality on color, shape, context, contradictions, meaning and intuition. 

Handmade Collage on 100% Cotton, cold-press Strathmore Archival Paper

5” x 7”

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